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Invisalign Before and After


Anterior cross bite = some of the upper front teeth bite inside or behind the lower front teeth.


Class II = Overbite or the lower molars are too far behind the upper.


Deep bite = the front teeth overlap the lower teeth too far, 20-25% is ideal anything more is considered a deep bite.


Deep bite = the front teeth overlap the lower teeth too far, 20-25% is ideal anything more is considered a deep bite.


Diastema = gap between the front teeth or central incisors.


Mild spacing of teeth.


Mild crowding of teeth.


Moderate crowding of teeth.


Moderate spacing of teeth.


Open bite = The front teeth do not overlap properly.


Restorative with overbite.


Cross bite (can be right side, left side or bi-lateral, which is both sides) = the upper back molars bite inside of the lower back molars.


Severe crowding with extraction.


Severe spacing = is considered anything more that 4-8mm accumulative throughout the arch (this may not need translation, because most patients bothered by spacing in their mouth, consider their own very severe).



Griggs Orthodontics
20265 Lake Chabot Road, Suite #2
Castro Valley, CA 94546
Phone: 510-537-3050
Fax: 510-538-0120

Office Hours

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